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Machine Learning

PyPal Learning Chatbot

A simple, elegant, and innovative mobile interface
Encourage students to learn independently and explore knowledge

Chatbot URL

PyPal Features

The design concept of PyPal is to help students learn programming languages like Python and facilitate peer interaction in the teaching environment, guiding students to learn independently while also learning how to learn.


Visual Presentation

Operate with a graphical interface, allowing for learning anytime, anywhere on mobile devices.


AES-256 Encryption

Using military-grade AES-256 data encryption, along with SSL and FIDO-2 two-factor authentication for login, ensures the security of students' personal data.


Driver-Less Design

The Driver-Less design requires no software or driver installation; students can use the PyPal chatbot on their mobile devices.


Expert Support

A team with a background in programming and communications can assist teachers in solving difficult problems in the teaching environment.

Hear what teachers and students in the teaching environment have to say

Feedback from the teaching environment is our greatest support

I am a user of the PyPal platform. The interface of this platform is designed very well, allowing me to learn Python using my mobile phone. Additionally, the rich quizzes help me quickly grasp knowledge points. The teacher encourages us to submit assignments and engage in discussions via GitHub, and PyPal also compiles discussion points daily and sends messages to me, increasing my motivation to participate in discussions. By the end of the semester, I can clearly express Python program logic and feel a great sense of accomplishment.

Student Long
National Central University

I love this PyPal learning chatbot platform. I can place teaching materials on the platform for students to read on their own, and students can ask teachers questions through PyPal. The generation of college students growing up with mobile devices is used to managing chat messages on mobile devices but has not yet developed the habit of frequently checking emails. Unlike other LMS systems, teachers can use PyPal to send push messages, reminding students to study. Using PyPal can easily implement the digital transformation of teaching.

Teacher Li
National Tsing Hua University
