生活 - 聚餐
中央大學資管系黃亮穎、柯翔閔、顏嘉緯、周科均、蘇若新、溫楫驊、陳芊宇同學於2023/10/26參加112年度經濟部「AI GOOD競賽」決賽,主題是「透過固定式攝影機影像預警海中沙塵暴」,同學們都在這個比賽學到很多,期許大家將來有更好的學涯職涯發展。
1112 AI專題大家的表現都很優秀,希望這學期的訓練能帶給大家一些跨領域學習的啟發
Scientifically and systematically practice precise education and precise cognition
National Central University General Education Center Assistant Professor
Master's Student
Precise Education|Sports Cognition
Physics Department Project Student
Brainwave Signal Processing
Brainwave Signal Processing
Project Students from Other Departments
Precise Education
Precise Education
Precise Education
Please email Chia-Kai Chang your resume and research interest.