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Donna Seay
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring.
Samantha Francis
My entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring.
Robert Walker
I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment...
Larry Smith
When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes...
Suzzeth Bungaos tagged you and 18 others in a post.
Mellisa Brown appreciated your work The Social Network
20+ new items added are for sale in your Sale Group
Julius Erving wants to connect with you on your conversation with Ronnie Mara
歡迎來到Classroom GPT共學,我們相信教育應該是有效且充滿樂趣的。這裡提供的不僅僅是一個教學工具,更是你的個人化智慧助教,助你更好地教學和學習。
🗣️智慧互動問答: 讓學生隨時向GPT提問,並獲得瞬間回覆,加強學習體驗。
📈學習追蹤: 老師能夠輕鬆追蹤每位學生的學習進度,確保學習效果。
⏰節省時間: 自動回答學生問題,減少老師的工作負擔。
🌐隨時隨地學習: 不受時間與地點限制,隨時都能進行互動學習。