112 教育部 | 教學實踐研究計畫 | 自我調節與遷移學習效能研究:以人工智慧適性引導系統為例
113 教育部 | 教學實踐研究計畫 | 矩陣沉浸式問題導向專案學習法(Problem Oriented Project-Based Learning, POPjBL)在專題實作課程之學習成效研究
Scientifically and systematically practice precise education and precise cognition
National Central University General Education Center Assistant Professor
Master's Student
Precise Education|Sports Cognition
Physics Department Project Student
Brainwave Signal Processing
Brainwave Signal Processing
Project Students from Other Departments
Precise Education
Precise Education
Precise Education
Please email Chia-Kai Chang your resume and research interest.